Drake’s Circumnavigation:
Was Drake a Hero or a Villain?
Task 1: Individual Work
· Using the
details of Drake’s journey from the Google Earth tour at www.activehistory.co.uk, find
evidence to fill in this table.
· Any evidence
that Drake was a hero (for example, he was kind and brave) should be placed in
the left-hand column.
· Any evidence
that he was a villain (for example, he was cruel and cowardly) should be placed
in the right-hand column.
· Any evidence
which you are not sure about can be placed in the middle column.
· TIP: Two
events have been added to start you off (you can delete them if you wish!).
Mogador: 27th Dec. 1577
Drake traded sheep and chickens with the locals. This shows he is
willing to make friends with the people he meets.
Cape Blanco: 17th Jan. 1578
Drake hijacks a Spanish ship. This shows that he is a thief.
Task 2: Group Work
Working with a partner, then in a larger group, compare what you put
into the middle column. Work together to decide whether it should be moved into
the “Hero” or “Villain” column.
Alternatively, your teacher may ask you to contribute these ideas to a
whole-class discussion, and for each point raised the class would vote on whether
it belongs in the “Hero” or “Villain” category.
Task 3: Writing up your findings
Using your completed table to help you, provide a written answer to
this question:
“Was Drake a hero or a
Paragraph 1: “There is evidence to suggest that Drake was a
hero. For example,…” [use your information from column 1]
Paragraph 2: “There is evidence to suggest that Drake was a
villain. For example,…” [use your information from column 2]
Paragraph 3: “In conclusion, my opinion of Drake is
that…”[reach your own judgement – be as detailed as you can!]
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